The Physiology of Happiness: Unveiling the Foundations of Well-being

Happiness, a state coveted by all, is often perceived as an elusive emotion. Yet, its🍄

Seven Basic Human Emotions by Jaak Panksepp

Jaak Panksepp was a pioneering neuroscientist and psychobiologist who made significant contributions to the field of🍄

“The Big Five” Model for Movement

What Are the Big Five Traits? The Big Five personality traits are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. These traits🍄

Peanuts, Bees, Trauma and Immunotherapy

A treatment for those with severe allergies to bee stings is venom immunotherapy (VIT) or🍄

Did Steve Jobs Use LSD for Creativity?

Steve Jobs informed the Department of Defense in 1988 that taking LSD “was a positive life-changing experience🍄

What Is a K-Hole? A Full Guide to K-Holing

The recreational use of ketamine hydrochloride, a dissociative anesthetic, has surged in popularity, making its🍄

The Three conjunctions (Mysterium Coniunctionis) by CG Jung

In CG Jung’s book “Mysterium Coniunctionis” there’s a concept called “The Three conjunctions.” Carl Jung,🍄

Understand your movement patterns

We all have movement patterns, weather we are aware of them or not. We should🍄

Improving Physical Health by Improving your Spiritual Health

We have all heard the saying “healthy body, healthy mind”, but this also goes the🍄

Famous quotes by Jordan B Peterson

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a well-known Canadian clinical psychologist and also a professor of psychology🍄

5.5 months pregnant Handstand by Yoga Star Talia

Talya Sutra shows all of us that it's possible to hand stand while 5.5 months🍄

The Basics of Sound Healing Meditation

There are many types of instruments that can be used for meditation which produce different🍄