What Is a K-Hole? A Full Guide to K-Holing

The recreational use of ketamine hydrochloride, a dissociative anesthetic, has surged in popularity, making its🍄

What is Dharma and how can it help your life?

What is Dharma Dharma is a multifaceted concept encompassing various aspects of life, including one’s🍄

The connection between Yoga Doshas and the “Big Five” personality traits model

The connection between yoga’s three doshas (pita, vata, and kapha) and the “Big Five” personality🍄

Chitta, Purusha & Atman in Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta

Discover the subtle differences between Chitta, Purusha, and Atman, three important concepts in Indian philosophy,🍄

Comparing Samkhya, Buddhism, Hinduism & Yoga

Comparing different religions, philosophies, and belief systems can be a fascinating exercise in exploring their🍄

What’s the Difference Between Smriti and Samaskars?

The Subconscious part of the Chitta (Mind) In yoga philosophy, the subconscious part of the🍄

Micro Movement

Explore the Building Blocks of Our Micro-Movement Method:

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the Chakra system

Understanding the connection between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the chakra system can be beneficial🍄

Yoga: Types And Methods, Philosophy, Benefits And Risks

Meaning of the Word Yoga The history of yoga is long and complex, with roots🍄

What is Flexibility And Different Types of Flexibility

Flexibility is the ability of the body to move freely and easily through a wide🍄

What is Mobility Training?

Mobility is a term that is often used in the context of physical fitness and🍄